LegalPlus Translations specializes in legal and financial translations. This requires substantive professional knowledge, accuracy and an eye for detail. This is why LegalPlus Translations works exclusively with specialized translators who have expertise in specific disciplines. Because of our collaboration with translators within our “flexible circle”, we are able to have your legal and financial documents translated from and into all languages.
Moreover, most of our legal translators are registered as sworn translators with various courts in the Netherlands. Many of these translators have combined a language programme with their law studies, or they have completed the post-university training of Legal Translation from the Institute of Legal Interpretors and Translators (SIGV). Our translators are also registered with the Dutch Register of Sworn Interpretors and Translators (Rbtv) and work in various locations in the Netherlands or abroad (mainly in Europe but also in Mexico, Suriname and Hong Kong). Our overhead is therefore limited to the costs for our project managers, who operate from flexible workspaces in Amsterdam and Barcelona.